For most of the automobile’s existence, a simple mechanical key was used to open the trunk and start the engine. Security developments in the previous three decades have significantly impacted how people get into their automobiles.
In some circumstances, you may need to replace your vehicle keys. It’s possible that the transponder could malfunction, the Ignition Key Will Break or your keys will be stolen or lost. The kind of key you have may assist you budget for the expenses of replacing lost, stolen, or damaged keys.
Every automobile has unique customizations, from the wheels to the keys. Different criteria govern these keys. In terms of key types, below are the seven most common:
1. Mechanical Keys
As one of the most classic methods for cutting a vehicle key, mechanically cut keys are included on this list. A regular vehicle key is the most common automotive key in use today. For vehicles that lack security encoding, these keys are the most common method of unlocking them. Any metal-cutting machine can make this kind of key.
They are the easiest to use, but they aren’t the safest. Metal is the most common material used in the construction of these keys. This implies that the key may be duplicated in a variety of ways. Using regular blank keys, mechanically cut car keys may be replicated.
2. Remote Keys
Remote unlocking and unlocking of automobiles are the most common uses for these keys. Infrared signals or radio transmitters are the most common methods of transmitting encoded messages to the receiver in the automobile. A button on the key fob disables the vehicle’s alarm system in remote car keys.
A remote auto key lets users lock or unlock their car from a safe distance. A remote key must be inserted into the ignition to start the car, but a smart key may unlock the door without any physical contact. Take the assistance of a locksmith to see whether you may benefit from remote keys.
3. Transponder Keys
It is more secure than a standard car key since it has an implanted microchip. A transponder automobile key has been in use since 1995. The transponder is hooked into the ignition, and a sensor picks up on the change. Anywhere from $40 to more than $100 is a transponder key copy range. Professional vehicle locksmiths may charge less than a dealership for the same service.
It is a transponder key with a rolling code. As of 1999, this key delivers a unique code every time it is used, making it more secure than standard transponders. Replacing a key like this might cost up to approximately $500 or more.
4. Flip Style Remotes
This key, also known as a switchblade key, may be folded up and stored in a small compartment. The key will always be accessible by pressing a button. You may tuck your key’s shank away within its head in this situation.
Like a switchblade knife, a switchblade key folds when not used. The key is generally released by pressing a button. Replacement of the complete device may cost anywhere from $200 to $300, whereas the shank can be replaced for under $75.
5. Smart Keys
As long as they don’t need to be opened, smart keys aren’t keys at all. Antennas in the vehicle’s interior detect the presence of a smart key when it is close.
It is possible to start the car’s ignition with a simple button press if the smart key is present. Using a smart key is as simple as pressing a button once the automobile is in range of the fob. It isn’t essential to start the engine to use it. Between $200 and $400, these keys must be changed at the dealership.
6. Master Keys
Early autos had master keys that could be used to make or replace keys. It’s not meant to be used regularly. If the complete system has to be rebuilt, replacing engine management systems may cost thousands of dollars. Master keys alone cost several hundred dollars.
You should always check the owner’s handbook before purchasing a secondhand vehicle to see whether it comes with a master key or if you’ll need to buy one.
7. Valet Keys
Valet services can only utilize valet keys. If a car owner has a spare valet key, they may use these services and pass over a customized key with limited functionality. In addition, this is a more secure way for drivers to use valet services.
Bottom Line
You may need new ones if you lose your vehicle keys for whatever reason. The transponder may malfunction, the ignition key may break, your keys may have been stolen, or they may have simply been misplaced. You can plan ahead of time and avoid unpleasant surprises when it comes to having to replace damaged or lost keys.