Auto Locksmith Archives - Elite Locksmiths Wed, 25 Oct 2023 10:46:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 5 Ways to Open a Frozen Car Door Wed, 25 Oct 2023 10:41:24 +0000 The last thing anyone wants to deal with on a snowy Monday morning is a frozen vehicle door. A Stuck Vehicle Door on your way to work only adds to your Monday morning woes. Yes, opening your vehicle door in the cold and wind on a frigid morning might be difficult, but it is

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The last thing anyone wants to deal with on a snowy Monday morning is a frozen vehicle door. A Stuck Vehicle Door on your way to work only adds to your Monday morning woes. Yes, opening your vehicle door in the cold and wind on a frigid morning might be difficult, but it is not impossible.

The lock and its mechanism might get jammed if exposed to snow and ice. The cause of a blocked vehicle door is usually obvious if your lock was operating properly before the snow fell. If that doesn’t work, you may always try the other front door and contact a locksmith after work to help you get in.

These five methods for thawing a frozen automobile door should get the job done.

First And Foremost

To begin, see whether the problem extends to any of your doors. Getting in and out of the automobile is a cinch if just one door is open.

Lock de-icers are a fast and simple solution if this isn’t an option.

  • An aerosol with a particular nozzle that drives de-icer right into the lock or a heat source that heats up in the lock, melting any ice that’s formed, are two of the most common options.
  • Spraying WD-40 straight on the car key produces the same result for some folks. In order to avoid the formation of ice in the first place, de-icer or WD-40 aerosols might be employed.
5 Ways to Open a Frozen Car Door - Isopropyl Alcohol

5 Ways to Open a Frozen Car Door – Isopropyl Alcohol

1. Isopropyl Alcohol

Salt’s anti-icing qualities have been matched by the chemical’s, which has a lower freezing point than water. Even though most of you have never heard of this chemical, it is widely accessible. Products that include rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer often contain isopropyl alcohol. Several sanitizers do not include this ingredient.

There is no harm in having some of this chemical on hand since it evaporates fast and may be used to eliminate moisture from the skin. To unlock a frozen vehicle door, spray it with rubbing alcohol and try it. In most circumstances, you will be able to access it.

2. Vinegar

When Isopropyl alcohol isn’t readily available, vinegar may be used as a substitute. However, there are some drawbacks, including the potential for discoloration of the door’s glass, harm to the paint, and the lingering odor.

Diluting vinegar with water is the best method to utilize it. To clean the door, use three parts vinegar plus one part water. Better results may be obtained by spraying it directly into the keyhole.

3. De-icer

A commercial de-icer is an excellent alternative if you are unable to utilize homemade solutions. De-icers that employ calcium chloride, which lowers the melting point of water and prevents the water from refreezing, are often used in these applications.

Door locks may be defrosted using chemical deicers, which suck out water from the mechanism. For this reason, auto locksmiths prefer the use of isopropyl alcohol and vinegar, which only serve to melt the ice.

The problem is that they aren’t commonly accessible in retail shops; you’ll need to go to a specialized store to buy one. Be sure to look for any cautions on the label since certain chemical de-icers are known to cause metal corrosion.

5 Ways to Open a Frozen Car Door - De-icer

5 Ways to Open a Frozen Car Door – De-icer

4. Ice Scraper

While defrosting your automobile door in this manner may seem apparent, it is the most damaging. This method may not always be effective, particularly when there is ice on doorknobs and locks or in cracks of the door.

Only if you can see the frost on the door will this work. The door may be damaged if you use too much force while scraping the ice off it. The paint on the door latch may be damaged, as can the metal if you try to scrape off the ice.

5 Ways to Open a Frozen Car Door - Ice Scraper

5 Ways to Open a Frozen Car Door – Ice Scraper

5. Heat

Many people use a stream of hot water to get an ice-cold automobile door open. Some others use a hairdryer or a heat gun to attempt to achieve the same thing. There are certain drawbacks to using the latter method, including the risk of damaging the door’s locking mechanism and wiring.

The locking mechanism may be damaged if the water freezes and re-freezes; hence hot water is not suggested. Some folks use a heat gun to melt the icing built up within their lock. While this method may work, be careful not to overheat the key, as this might cause more damage to the lock.

Exercise warm air or water to defrost your automobile door, not “hot” air or water. In other words, use caution while utilizing heat to defrost your door.

Bottom Line

Though most occurrences of frozen vehicle doors do not need services, you must be cautious when attempting to DIY. A Locksmith With Your VIN can rescue you if things get out of control and you can’t get into your vehicle without destroying the door.

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7 Different Car Key Types Wed, 19 Jul 2023 10:03:44 +0000 For most of the automobile's existence, a simple mechanical key was used to open the trunk and start the engine. Security developments in the previous three decades have significantly impacted how people get into their automobiles. In some circumstances, you may need to replace your vehicle keys. It's possible that the transponder could malfunction,

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For most of the automobile’s existence, a simple mechanical key was used to open the trunk and start the engine. Security developments in the previous three decades have significantly impacted how people get into their automobiles.

In some circumstances, you may need to replace your vehicle keys. It’s possible that the transponder could malfunction, the Ignition Key Will Break or your keys will be stolen or lost. The kind of key you have may assist you budget for the expenses of replacing lost, stolen, or damaged keys.

Every automobile has unique customizations, from the wheels to the keys. Different criteria govern these keys. In terms of key types, below are the seven most common:

1. Mechanical Keys

As one of the most classic methods for cutting a vehicle key, mechanically cut keys are included on this list. A regular vehicle key is the most common automotive key in use today. For vehicles that lack security encoding, these keys are the most common method of unlocking them. Any metal-cutting machine can make this kind of key.

Mechanical Keys

Mechanical Keys

They are the easiest to use, but they aren’t the safest. Metal is the most common material used in the construction of these keys. This implies that the key may be duplicated in a variety of ways. Using regular blank keys, mechanically cut car keys may be replicated.

2. Remote Keys

Remote unlocking and unlocking of automobiles are the most common uses for these keys. Infrared signals or radio transmitters are the most common methods of transmitting encoded messages to the receiver in the automobile. A button on the key fob disables the vehicle’s alarm system in remote car keys.

A remote auto key lets users lock or unlock their car from a safe distance. A remote key must be inserted into the ignition to start the car, but a smart key may unlock the door without any physical contact. Take the assistance of a locksmith to see whether you may benefit from remote keys.

3. Transponder Keys

It is more secure than a standard car key since it has an implanted microchip. A transponder automobile key has been in use since 1995. The transponder is hooked into the ignition, and a sensor picks up on the change. Anywhere from $40 to more than $100 is a transponder key copy range. Professional vehicle locksmiths may charge less than a dealership for the same service.

Transponder Keys

Transponder Keys

It is a transponder key with a rolling code. As of 1999, this key delivers a unique code every time it is used, making it more secure than standard transponders. Replacing a key like this might cost up to approximately $500 or more.

4. Flip Style Remotes

This key, also known as a switchblade key, may be folded up and stored in a small compartment. The key will always be accessible by pressing a button. You may tuck your key’s shank away within its head in this situation.

Like a switchblade knife, a switchblade key folds when not used. The key is generally released by pressing a button. Replacement of the complete device may cost anywhere from $200 to $300, whereas the shank can be replaced for under $75.

Flip Style Remotes

Flip Style Remotes

5. Smart Keys

As long as they don’t need to be opened, smart keys aren’t keys at all. Antennas in the vehicle’s interior detect the presence of a smart key when it is close.

It is possible to start the car’s ignition with a simple button press if the smart key is present. Using a smart key is as simple as pressing a button once the automobile is in range of the fob. It isn’t essential to start the engine to use it. Between $200 and $400, these keys must be changed at the dealership.

6. Master Keys

Early autos had master keys that could be used to make or replace keys. It’s not meant to be used regularly. If the complete system has to be rebuilt, replacing engine management systems may cost thousands of dollars. Master keys alone cost several hundred dollars.

You should always check the owner’s handbook before purchasing a secondhand vehicle to see whether it comes with a master key or if you’ll need to buy one.

7. Valet Keys

Valet services can only utilize valet keys. If a car owner has a spare valet key, they may use these services and pass over a customized key with limited functionality. In addition, this is a more secure way for drivers to use valet services.

Bottom Line

You may need new ones if you lose your vehicle keys for whatever reason. The transponder may malfunction, the ignition key may break, your keys may have been stolen, or they may have simply been misplaced. You can plan ahead of time and avoid unpleasant surprises when it comes to having to replace damaged or lost keys.

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How to Help Prevent Car Break Ins Tue, 07 Feb 2023 12:30:49 +0000 Despite the fact that there is no way to avoid automobile break-ins, it is important to remember that car thieves are often lazy opportunists. You can prevent automobile break-ins and Car Lock-outs by taking a few simple actions to offer a would-be thief the chance. We will walk you through some essential measures you

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Despite the fact that there is no way to avoid automobile break-ins, it is important to remember that car thieves are often lazy opportunists. You can prevent automobile break-ins and Car Lock-outs by taking a few simple actions to offer a would-be thief the chance.

We will walk you through some essential measures you can take to assist in preventing automobile break-ins in this blog post.

1. Your Door Should Be Locked

Whether you’re filling up your tank or returning to your home to get something, it’s all too simple to turn your back for a second and forget to lock your vehicle. Even if you’re going to be gone for a few minutes, you should always lock your vehicle. Be careful to shut the window or sunproof it even if your vehicle door is locked.

Whether you’ve used a key fob to unlock your vehicle, we recommend gently pushing on the handle to see if it’s locked.

Maintain the Secrecy of Your Keys

Maintain the Secrecy of Your Keys

2. Maintain the Secrecy of Your Keys

Keep your automobile keys in a secure place! Please put them in a zip-up pocket or an interior bag pocket while you’re out and about to protect them from being seen and taken advantage of. Leaving your keys in a safe place, away from windows and doors, is a good idea to avoid fishing!

3. Park Wisely

It might become crowded, and getting a parking spot can be difficult. However, we recommend that you keep an eye out for a safe parking spot while looking for a new home. If you can, you should try to:

  • Parking near or beneath street lighting is a fantastic deterrent to would-be auto thieves looking to take advantage of the darkness to steal your vehicle.
  • It is safer to leave your vehicle in a more populated area. As long as people come and go, your automobile becomes a less attractive target.
  • If you can, park in an area with CCTV cameras and other security measures. The unique approach to safeguarding your car’s security is to use it.
All of your valuables should be hidden

All of your valuables should be hidden

4. All of your valuables should be hidden.

You’ll need to keep your valuables out of sight if you have them. If you don’t want them noticed, you can conceal small items in your vehicle’s glove box or even beneath your car seat. If you have a big bag or luggage, we recommend putting it in the trunk of your car. It doesn’t matter if the bag contains no valuables; it’s still a target for robbers.

If you are pressed for time, a blanket or towel will come in handy for concealing valuables. The less apparent your car is, the less of a target it becomes. Get your windows colored!

Getting your windows tinted may also help deter automobile break-ins since curious intruders may decide to break in after seeing something they desire in your window. You may deter auto thieves by painting your windows a darker color, making it harder for them to see through the glass.

5. Make Both The Interior And Exterior Less Attractive.

Car break-ins may be prevented by making your vehicle less attractive both inside and out. There will be no fancy decals, signage, or equipment, not even a better stereo. While listening to music while driving is made more enjoyable by a high-quality sound, a high-end audio system begs to be stolen.

 Installing security devices

Installing security devices

6. Installing security devices

If you’re concerned about your safety, the most important thing you can do is lock your doors and windows and park in well-lit places. However, a few gadgets may be utilized to give more security. To make your vehicle even more secure, consider installing one or more of the following technologies.

  • With a keyless auto alarm system, you can lock and unlock your vehicle without worrying about leaving valuables inside. The procedure typically includes two 5-button remotes, a control module, a wire harness, a siren, and an LED indicator light. So, if a thief decides to target your car, they’ll be sorry they did!
  • As soon as anything suspicious happens in your vehicle, the car lock alert will tell you.
  • What if we used the same approach to keep our houses secure? Why not use it to protect our vehicles? It’s possible to acquire a clear, sharp video in 1080p and a 360-degree view of the automobile by connecting many cameras, even in low light. Wireless data storage is an excellent alternative for protecting your car on some models.

Bottom Line

Finally, thousands of automobile owners are targeted and victims of car theft each year, and countless more are damaged or have their belongings taken. Taking a few simple safety steps, such as the ones outlined above, will deter thieves and safeguard your vehicle.

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How to Get a Car Key Replacement Tue, 27 Dec 2022 13:20:50 +0000 Most people do not realize the importance of a car key until they lose their vehicles without notice. Whichever the case might be, you can find yourself in such a situation too, and you, like other people, might not know how to replace your car key. There are multiple ways to tackle this situation.

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Most people do not realize the importance of a car key until they lose their vehicles without notice. Whichever the case might be, you can find yourself in such a situation too, and you, like other people, might not know how to replace your car key.

There are multiple ways to tackle this situation. They all vary in price, time to complete, and technique. It honestly depends on the kind of situation you might find yourself in. Different options work best in different situations.

Least Costly And Most Efficient

The quickest and best possible solution to replace a car key if you are in a hurry is to call an auto locksmith.

These locksmiths are specialized in working with keys and locks of various vehicles. They possess the right equipment to help them replace the keys of almost every car. Plus, they are usually mobile; therefore, they can reach you in almost no time.

Least Costly And Most Efficient

Least Costly And Most Efficient

Someone who claims to be an auto locksmith will most definitely carry specific equipment that helps them Reprogram Car Keys (and other vehicles). An experienced auto locksmith will get the job done within one visit. They will also ensure that the stolen key is disabled so that it does not work anymore.

Least Upfront Cost

The best way to have your car keys replaced and avoid paying upfront is to use your car insurance. However, many companies do not cover such costs. Therefore, you will have to check with your insurance provider.

However, it would help if you kept in mind that you may not have to pay upfront this time, but it will likely increase your policy’s cost on the next renewal. It may even affect your no-claim bonus.

Many insurance companies are generous enough to provide you with a ‘Car Key Cover’ add-on. This mainly covers the cost of an extra key. Such a policy helps you ensure that you do not have to pay huge costs whenever you want your car keys replaced.

Is It Midnight?

There is no fixed time for a car key to get lost or stolen. Keeping that in mind, if such a situation occurs in the early morning hours, it might be difficult to contact an auto locksmith.

However, you can contact a breakdown service such as RAC or AA. They might not be able to replace every type of key since they are usually not well equipped for such scenarios.

This solution is most likely one of the much slower ones. The breakdown service you contact might be dealing with several emergencies at once. If you are not classified as a priority, there is no telling when help will arrive.

What’s even more, most breakdown services ultimately use auto locksmiths. Therefore, it is wiser to contact an auto locksmith directly and save money on unnecessary middleman expenses.

However, this is probably the best (and only) option available at such hours.

You Want A Genuine Branded Key!

You Want A Genuine Branded Key!

You Want A Genuine Branded Key!

People who own expensive cars like a BMW or Mercedes prefer holding a branded and original key made by the manufacturer. However, a local auto locksmith won’t be able to achieve such a feat. You will have to contact a local car dealership for such services.

Although it may make your wallet a lot lighter than before, this is likely the only way to get a branded car key with the company’s logo on it. It also takes an extended amount of time. The dealership will have to bring a blank key, usually taken along. What’s even more, the dealership might not even have the right equipment for the job.

They will probably call in an auto locksmith too. Therefore, if you’re not keen on having a branded car key, you can call a locksmith and get the job done. However, if there is no way you can live with this situation, you should start dialing your local dealership’s number right away.

How To Get Your Car Key Replaced

How To Get Your Car Key Replaced

How To Get Your Car Key Replaced?

As mentioned throughout this article, you have probably figured out that the best solution to a car key problem is to contact an auto locksmith.

However, no matter what you opt for, replacing a car key will never be cheap. The most you can do is opt for ways to keep the costs down, but you need to act smartly for that.

Bottom Line

Losing a car key can be extremely annoying, and replacing it is even more frustrating. You have come to the right place if you have recently found yourself in such a situation and are looking for a solution. You can go through this article to see more on the topic.

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7 Reasons Your Car Key is Stuck in the Ignition Mon, 02 May 2022 09:14:19 +0000 Car keys can get stuck in your car’s ignition because of a number of factors, thus leading you to get stuck, and unable to use your car, which can be a real hassle. To determine what is causing the problem in order to resolve it, here are the top 7 reasons why a key gets

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Car keys can get stuck in your car’s ignition because of a number of factors, thus leading you to get stuck, and unable to use your car, which can be a real hassle. To determine what is causing the problem in order to resolve it, here are the top 7 reasons why a key gets stuck in the ignition.

Parking Gear Isn’t Ready

Most of the time, the reason behind a stuck car key is that the gear is not in “Park”, mostly because when you try to shift into ‘park’, the gear did not move all the way over. Before attempting to remove the key, make sure that the “P” is highlighted on your car’s digital display if it displays gear settings. If you drive a manual car, ensure that the gear switch is set to “Neutral”.

Locked steering wheel

The majority of cars have a built-in steering wheel lock, which automatically gets triggered if you switch off your automobile while turning the steering. With the lock enabled, it will be impossible or you to turn the steering wheel or take the key out of the ignition.

On the Key: Debris

Are you habitual of opening packages and shipments using your automobile keys? While this approach assists you in pulling the box tape through, it can also cause the tape to stick to the key. If this happens, you will have a harder time contacting the pins of the ignition cylinder with your key if you place it in the ignition while the tape is still stuck to it.

Dead Battery

The battery provides electricity to the ignition system, which allows it to work correctly. Therefore, the key withdrawal will be impossible if the battery is dead.

Worn out or damaged key

Car keys get degraded due to the effects of wear and tear after some time. The key wears down a little bit every time you insert it in the ignition.

Moreover, when the key is not in use, it is tossed around on hard surfaces or kept in pockets and purses with various other objects that further cause it to degrade.

A worn-out key is more likely to get stuck in the ignition, so be sure to get it replaced when you see signs of damage on it.

Ignition Cylinder Damage

Ignition Cylinder Damage

Ignition Cylinder Damage

Your car keys are more likely to get stuck in the ignition lock cylinder if it is already damaged and is on the verge of failing, your key will more likely be stuck in it. The many rows of spring-loaded pins inside your ignition lock that are supposed to match the teeth of your key, fail to work properly, causing the key to getting stuck inside.

TSB (Technical Service Bulletin) or Manufacturer Recall

Although it’s highly unlikely, vehicles of a specific year, type, and model are sometimes subjected to a recall by the manufacturer (Technical service bulletin TSB) which can be concerning the ignition lock cylinder of your vehicle.

Removing a Stuck Key from the ignition

Here are some tips and tricks that can help you remove a stuck key from the ignition.

  1. Confirm that for an automatic vehicle, the gear stick is set to Park (P), or in the case of a manual vehicle, the gear should be set to “Neutral.”
  2. Try rotating the steering wheel back and forth while gently turning the key.
  3. Ensure that the battery is not dead.

If you are still unable to remove the key from the ignition, then it’s time to employ some advanced tricks.

  1. Spray small amounts of WD-40 in the ignition lock beside the stuck key. A tiny straw that comes with the can of WD-40 should be sufficient to lubricate your key and the ignition lock easily. This extra lubrication will allow you to extract the key by wiggling it gently.
  2. If you see some dirt or crud accumulation on your key, clean it thoroughly using rubbing alcohol or an adhesive remover.

Remember to always be gentle. Wrestling with a stuck key will have you end up breaking the key altogether, making the removal process all the more difficult. If you somehow end up breaking your key, never attempt to get the bottom half of the key out by reinserting the broken top half of the key.

You’ll just make the removal process harder by pushing the broken-off section deeper into the lock. Here’s how you can Extract a Broken Key Without Damaging Your Ignition Lock:

Key extraction tool

This is a tool that a professional locksmith normally uses to extract the broken part of the key, and it’s generally a lot less expensive to use.
Blade for Jigsaw

Key extraction tool

Key extraction tool

A jigsaw blade is thin enough to fit alongside the ignition key. After entering the blade, spin it slightly to allow the blade’s notches to grip the broken key, and then carefully draw it out.

Needle-nose Pliers / Tweezers

Tweezers or needle-nose pliers can be used to remove any parts of the key that are still protruding from the ignition. However, if the damaged key is totally stuck in the ignition lock, these tools will most likely be too thick to help.


Call a locksmith if all else fails or if you just want to be sure it’s done correctly.

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4 Precautions to Take After a Car Lockout Tue, 23 Nov 2021 22:11:37 +0000 A car lockout is possibly the worst feeling any vehicle owner can get in their lifetime; however, several precautions can unlock a locked car with little to no complication. So, locking yourself or even the keys in the car is no doubt stressful. Although, you might be surprised to know that you are not

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A car lockout is possibly the worst feeling any vehicle owner can get in their lifetime; however, several precautions can unlock a locked car with little to no complication.

So, locking yourself or even the keys in the car is no doubt stressful. Although, you might be surprised to know that you are not alone in this frustration. According to several surveys, the annual lockout cases in the United States alone is approximately 4 Million, and these statistics are gradually on the rise. The main reason for Locked Keys in a Car can be being in a rush, mainly due to busy routines or within an emergency.

Nonetheless, car keys ending up in the wrong place at the wrong time is not always as easy to solve, but there are several preventive measures that you could adopt today to safeguard yourself and your loved ones in the future. Following are some of these tips, which are pretty helpful to unlock a locked car.

4 Major Precautions To Take After A Car Lockout

Car lockouts can occur whether you are in a panic/rush or simply not wanting to be late for work. If you previously faced these complications, let us guide you to some of the renowned preventive measures. Each of them comes with its own set of bells and whistles, so make sure to adopt the one specific to your needs. With that said, let’s take a quick look at them.

Invest In Spare Keys For Your Vehicle

Investing in spare keys is one of the best possible measures that anyone could adopt to unlock a locked car. Extra keys can be assembled with little to no complication. Plus, they are pretty affordable as you compare them with any modern car lockout accessory. So, contact your locksmith today and try to get themselves these valuable entities.

In addition to that, there is a higher chance that accidents can occur and you can be more likely trapped within your car. Therefore, if you want protection against that, it’s probably a wise choice to share spare car keys with your relatives or close friends.

Besides that, if your neighbors are trustworthy, why not share them with an extra pair? As they live close by, they will be more likely to help you out in that dire situation.

Utilize Smart Keypads With Security Codes On Your Car

One of the high-tech solutions to tackle locked keys in a car is simply implying a smart lock over the door. Most top brands, including Ford, Lincoln & Mercury, even have some models equipped with smart keypads as an added feature. But if your car lacks one, be sure to contact your local car dealer and install a new one right off the bat. If you could get a solid deal on this piece of smart accessory, then why not get one today?

For those who aren’t that tech-savvy or unsure about handling these kinds of locks, it’s ideal to contact lockout services like GM’s or OnStar. Of course, you will be required to pay a yearly subscription, but an onboard technician will always be ready to unlock your car with a push of a button.

Try To Incorporate A Reliable Fob With Your Car Keys

Another cheap yet easy precaution against locked keys in a car is incorporating them with a fob. Whether your vehicle uses a basic key ignition system or any modern setup, utilizing a fob can give you peace of mind in unlocking that locked car. They rely on sensor technology, so, during rush days, when you are likely to forget them in an unreasonable spot, they will effectively set the reminder and provide you convenience.

As they are pretty handy in setting up a habit, you will likely stick in any future Car Lockouts. Normal Key fobs can cost anywhere from $100-$150, but try to find a model with bright construction for added convenience before you purchase.

Contact Any Renowned Road Assistance Program

There is a high chance that your car can lock out in an unstable region, with no gas station or nearby residents. Thus, to handle this type of circumstances, you want to keep in contact with any reasonable road assistance program that offers coverage for your particular region. They will most likely have the right equipment to unlock your car, but you need to be a bit patient.

Also, keep in mind that you most probably have to pay for their service, which can go anywhere to a few hundred dollars. If the mobile phone service is available, you can also call 911. The police will most likely be able to unlock your car door or contact a person who will.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, this completes our brief guide on major precautions to take after a car lockout. Speaking of preventive measures, many US citizens are also opting toward various car lockout kits. These are manufactured accessories that can be utilized to pursue a locked car within a couple of minutes. Also, before you get along with your day, it’s worth noting that no matter how well you are prepared to tackle these situations, accidents can arise. Thus, it is better to calm your nerves and think logically rather than panicking on the spot.

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What are the Most Common Types of Car Keys? Tue, 05 Oct 2021 18:22:56 +0000 For most of automotive history, we have relied on the basic mechanical key to do everything from opening the doors and trunk to starting the vehicle. However, with the change in technology over the past three decades, the mechanical car key has evolved from being simple and easily replaceable to high-tech and hard to copy.

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For most of automotive history, we have relied on the basic mechanical key to do everything from opening the doors and trunk to starting the vehicle. However, with the change in technology over the past three decades, the mechanical car key has evolved from being simple and easily replaceable to high-tech and hard to copy.

While every automotive manufacturer appears to have adopted the Latest Car Key Technology slightly differently, they, for the most part, fall into any one of the four categories below.

The Basic Car Key

It is your standard type of automotive key that dates back to the early days of the automobile. It works like a padlock in the sense that it has a lot of the exact mechanism both in the lock and the way your key operates.

The keys have a unique “teeth” pattern and grooves that are cut into them, which, when lined up with the pins, opens the lock. That’s why unless there is a perfect match, the car will not start.

The drawback of mechanical keys is that they can be copied relatively easily. Also, mechanical locks aren’t all that hard to pick or open.

The Transponder Code Key

A transponder is an interesting evolution of the modern car key. It may appear to be like a regular mechanical key, but the key does not have any teeth or has a simple pattern if you look closer. The key usually has an electronic chip in the head called a transponder, which gives the car a unique digital code that is decoded by the onboard computer. So, if the code does not match, the car will not start.

Many transponders have a constant code, which makes the key easier to duplicate, but it is also easier to defeat. More secure transponder keys use what’s called a rolling code that’s far more difficult to defeat. But it is also much more challenging to duplicate, even for seasoned locksmiths. That’s why we need special equipment and a team of Certified Automotive Locksmiths to pull it off.

Laser Cut Car Key

Think of the laser cut key as being an enhanced version of your traditional mechanical card keys, made using advanced laser cutting tools. The precision means that its distinctive and different types of teeth can’t be created using your standard mechanical cutting equipment. However, these keys are cut so that they easily go into locks regardless of direction and work. The keys are hard to duplicate by most people other than automotive locksmiths using special equipment.

Car Key Fob

It is a lot like a transponder, but unlike transponders, they are a device in itself. There are quite a few different types of auto key fobs; the most common is the add-on fob, which has a standard mechanical key but can also start the engine remotely. Some come with a switchblade-type mechanism.


Today, there are many key types in use. The basic mechanical options are extremely common, but the newer ones offer enhanced security. That said, all automotive keys, at least for modern cars, need to be created either by the car dealership or a certified locksmith like us.

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Top Tips to Avoid Losing Your Car Keys Mon, 26 Jul 2021 22:04:54 +0000 It isn’t unusual for people to Lose their keys. In fact, losing your car keys is perhaps something you’ll end up doing a few times a year. Most people will lose their car keys at least once a year. Mostly it is when you’re distracted, like talking when on the phone, and you put the

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It isn’t unusual for people to Lose their keys. In fact, losing your car keys is perhaps something you’ll end up doing a few times a year. Most people will lose their car keys at least once a year. Mostly it is when you’re distracted, like talking when on the phone, and you put the keys in a place where it does not usually go.

However, some people tend to lose their keys more than others. It is either because they are swamped, or their organizational skills need work. Either way, we’ve covered some of the best ways to avoid or prevent losing your keys. If anything, we’ve come up with these tips after years of dealing with people who have lost their car keys. Our tips will help save you hundreds of dollars in modern key replacement costs.

Put Your Keys in the Same Place All The Time and Every Time

As human beings, we are creatures of habit. That’s why it makes sense always to put your keys in the same place each time you come home or enter the office. Most people will want to have space near the entrance, like a table or a drawer. The easier to access your location is, to place the keys, the lower the chances are that you will forget to put them there.

Put Your Keys in the Same Place All The Time and Every Time

Put Your Keys in the Same Place All The Time and Every Time

Put Your Car Keys In The Shoes

Most people don’t lose their shoes. If you hardly ever lose your shoes the maybe put your car keys in them. You can put your keys in your shoes and then on the shoe rack. At most, you might forget which shoe you put the key in, but in which case, you may have to check each shoe. But it shouldn’t be a problem if you wear the same set of shoes to work each day.

Put Your Car Keys In The Shoes

Put Your Car Keys In The Shoes

Empty Your Pockets Every Time You Take Off Your Clothes

Many people put their car keys in their pockets and forget to take them out before removing their clothes. Oftentimes, the clothes land up in the laundromat with the car keys in them. Emptying your pockets will ensure that your keys don’t get tossed into a bag or the washer with the clothes.

Empty Your Pockets Every Time You Take Off Your Clothes

Empty Your Pockets Every Time You Take Off Your Clothes

Hook Your Keys Up To A Large Lanyard

Most car keys are small and nondescript, which makes them easy to miss. You will want to make the keys stand out by adding a bit of volume and color. A large, brightly colored lanyard attached to the set of keys will make them hard to lose. Also, if you drop them, they are easy to spot.

Hook Your Keys Up To A Large Lanyard

Hook Your Keys Up To A Large Lanyard

Hookup a Locating Device

If you are one of those people that loses lots of stuff or loses your keys often, then spending on a locating device might be worth it. A tracking device will sync with your phone and attach to your set of keys. So, the next time you can’t find your keys, the phone should be able to locate them.

Hookup a Locating Device

Hookup a Locating Device


While the tips above will help ensure that you don’t lose your car keys, the inevitable may still happen. For times when you get locked out of your vehicle, always call a Professional Automotive Locksmith like us for help.

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Can You Get a Replacement Car Key Without The Original? Sat, 25 Jan 2020 00:00:27 +0000 It is interestingly one of the most common questions we are asked. The short answer is yes, and you can get your car key made without having the original. It is good news for anyone who has lost the original key and is now unable to enter their vehicle or crank the ignition. Most

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It is interestingly one of the most common questions we are asked. The short answer is yes, and you can get your car key made without having the original. It is good news for anyone who has lost the original key and is now unable to enter their vehicle or crank the ignition.

Most locksmiths who are worth their salt can easily Fashion a car key for you. However, if you’re not able to get into the car, you’ll need to call a Mobile locksmith who will visit your location.

What Type of Key Do You Have or Had?

Now before you can reach out to a locksmith, the first step is determining what car key you had. Knowing this will help tackle the entire process easy, making it easier to get assistance. However, because all car keys are different and are made differently, knowing what you are dealing with is imperative. For instance, even if you have a Toyota, the Replacement key for a Prius will be very different from a 2000 Corolla.

You should be aware of if the car uses a mechanical key with a traditional mechanism, was it a fob or a transponder key. Traditional keys can be turned in the ignition, ones with transponders usually have a push to start button and a car key fob is typically used to unlock the vehicle.

Image Credit Pexels

Get a Key Replacement Solution

Your solution of choice could be to contact the car dealership and Buy a replacement from them or to get a locksmith to fashion a new key for you. While both solutions will work perfectly, a locksmith will be slightly cheaper. That said, if it is an electronic lock or some other kind of exotic lock that locksmiths don’t have the equipment to handle, then the dealership is the only option.

Get the Required Information About Your Car

Once a solution has been decided upon, the next step is to get all the required information about the car. The information will be required for the car dealership and the locksmith to fashion the required key.

If the original key isn’t available, the vehicle’s VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is required. The VIN proves your ownership of the vehicle and can be easily found on the dashboard side in the engine bay. However, if you can’t find the VIN number, a professional can help you.

The VIN helps locksmiths and dealerships find which key best corresponds to the vehicle. The locksmith can access the car key code information, which is used when the original key is lost or broken.


A locksmith will be able to make a replacement car key within a couple of days or a few hours, depending on what is needed and their workload. It does take longer to make a car key if the original isn’t available. The locksmith will need to comb through the vehicle database to find what is needed to make the key. So, you’ll need to wait a while.

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