It is interestingly one of the most common questions we are asked. The short answer is yes, and you can get your car key made without having the original. It is good news for anyone who has lost the original key and is now unable to enter their vehicle or crank the ignition.

Most locksmiths who are worth their salt can easily Fashion a car key for you. However, if you’re not able to get into the car, you’ll need to call a Mobile locksmith who will visit your location.

What Type of Key Do You Have or Had?

Now before you can reach out to a locksmith, the first step is determining what car key you had. Knowing this will help tackle the entire process easy, making it easier to get assistance. However, because all car keys are different and are made differently, knowing what you are dealing with is imperative. For instance, even if you have a Toyota, the Replacement key for a Prius will be very different from a 2000 Corolla.

You should be aware of if the car uses a mechanical key with a traditional mechanism, was it a fob or a transponder key. Traditional keys can be turned in the ignition, ones with transponders usually have a push to start button and a car key fob is typically used to unlock the vehicle.

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Get a Key Replacement Solution

Your solution of choice could be to contact the car dealership and Buy a replacement from them or to get a locksmith to fashion a new key for you. While both solutions will work perfectly, a locksmith will be slightly cheaper. That said, if it is an electronic lock or some other kind of exotic lock that locksmiths don’t have the equipment to handle, then the dealership is the only option.

Get the Required Information About Your Car

Once a solution has been decided upon, the next step is to get all the required information about the car. The information will be required for the car dealership and the locksmith to fashion the required key.

If the original key isn’t available, the vehicle’s VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is required. The VIN proves your ownership of the vehicle and can be easily found on the dashboard side in the engine bay. However, if you can’t find the VIN number, a professional can help you.

The VIN helps locksmiths and dealerships find which key best corresponds to the vehicle. The locksmith can access the car key code information, which is used when the original key is lost or broken.


A locksmith will be able to make a replacement car key within a couple of days or a few hours, depending on what is needed and their workload. It does take longer to make a car key if the original isn’t available. The locksmith will need to comb through the vehicle database to find what is needed to make the key. So, you’ll need to wait a while.