While many immediately turn to high-tech solutions like security cameras, starting with the fundamentals is quite simple. It’s an essential aspect of home or business security to make sure your doors are locked when you leave. Because of human error, we recommend installing automated door closers in order to exclude them from the equation.

Get in touch with us for the finest door hardware services, such as door closer around.

How Do Door Closers Work?

A door closer is a mechanical mechanism that ensures a door shuts once it has been opened. Most building codes require door closers to keep fire doors closed, but many companies also have them on other garage doors in their facilities. Our recommendation is to put door closers on all outside doors as a precaution against intruders.

Doors in heavy traffic areas may benefit from these devices since they prevent doors from banging or being opened too forcibly, which can lead to injury.

How Do Door Closers Work?

How Do Door Closers Work?


  • Security

When discussing the need for Door Closer Adjustments, a facility’s safety comes first. Initially, it may seem odd to think that a door shutting may affect a structure’s security. Isn’t the only thing it accomplishes to ensure that the door shuts properly? Doesn’t it follow that the locking mechanism, not the door-closing hardware, is responsible for securing the door?

The lock goes into action only after the door is shut and secured. This can only happen if the door is in excellent working condition. The door closer settings have to be right for the door to shut and lock correctly when someone goes through the opening. When the door closer is done, set the latch rate so that the latch secures itself in the striking mechanism.

  • The ADA’s Requirements

Consider the Americans with Disabilities Act while considering door closer modifications (ADA). People with disabilities or other limitations will be able to open and close the door as a consequence. When adjusting a door closer, make sure that it doesn’t need a bodybuilder to open and go through it. The door should open with no more than five pounds of pressure from the latch.

The closing spring speed and power increase as the door progresses with the door’s movement. Changes to the closer may be made to regulate these characteristics of the door closer. Fire ratings or the placement of outside doors may take precedence over these criteria.

The ADA's Requirements

The ADA’s Requirements

  • Life Safety

Finally, we’ll talk about how to adjust door closers to meet life safety standards, including fire ratings. For a fire-rated door to function properly, it must be able to close and latch on its own. While the door has a Latching Mechanism, it will not function as intended if the closure fails to shut the door completely.

When there is a fire, the door should be closed so that the fire cannot spread and the inhabitants may safely leave the building. To maintain the egress route clear of the fire, smoke, and other hazards, all of the door closers in the area must close the doors at all times.

Additionally, all doors that are meant to be locked and protected must work correctly in the case of an active shooter. A closed and protected entrance may save lives in these instances.

  • Prevents The Slamming Of Doors

Door closers have a mechanism that ensures a regulated door closing. The damper function maintains a particular degree of force and speed in the door’s closing. This is critical when it comes to doors with weight and persons at risk of harm.

Door closers, for example, protect tiny children and others with disabilities from being crushed by heavy doors. The agony of pinched fingers might be felt by anybody unable to move fast enough. Door closers are also useful for those who carry a lot of weight, such as a lot of luggage.

In fact, door closers minimize injuries and encourage accessibility since they prevent doors from being slammed shut.

Prevents The Slamming Of Doors

Prevents The Slamming Of Doors

  • Controls The Open Swing Of Doors

As a standard feature, most door closers have a backcheck mechanism. Backcheck slows or even stops the door during its opening swing to prevent it from opening too quickly.

It might be hazardous when the strong wind and the doors fly wide. Doorknobs may also be thrown open forcibly by people.

Bottom Line

Adjust the door closers on every door in a building to their proper settings. Before you complete the door installation, you should ensure everything is operating correctly. In terms of performance and safety, it has the potential to make a substantial difference.